A couple days ago one of my friends called me and asked if i could take an order to make mini eclairs for one of leading woman magazine in Indonesia (F*m*n*a)...and i said off course i could. So i contacted the one that in charge in the Kitchen Test in that magazine. Very nice woman of her. it tooks 2 times test food. the first one just like this...Its 4 variants...Chocolate Rum Eclair with milk chocolate topped and diced peanuts, Citrus Grand Marnier Eclair with orange flavour chocolate topped , Coffee Kahlua Eclair with coffee fondant glaze and Green Tea Eclair with green tea fondant glaze.

1 day after they tested my minie eclairs, they gave some conclusion. After short phone talking, i go back to the kitchen to make what they really want...they want to cut up the glaze .they want it to be simple but still looking nice. and they changed the Citrus Grand Marnier Eclair with Black Sesame Eclair. its an unique one. i made my own black sesame paste because its difficult to get black sesame paste here in Jakarta.

And...they agree! so...i have to make 400 pcs (*update:well, they asked for another 100 mini eclairs, so the total was 500 pcs) of this mini eclairs with 4 choosed variants ...
1.Black Sesame Mini Eclairs; i made very classics style of Custard that used a lot egg yolk. Then mix with black sesame paste after the custard slowly cooled. Love the taste!
2.Green Tea Mini Eclair ; the usual one . Just mix the green tea powder with cooled custard.
3.Chocolate Rum Mini Eclair ; I used Belgian Cocoa Powder that i melted it first to become a paste, then mixed with cooled custard and a lot of Myers Black Rum.
4.Coffee Kahlua Mini Eclair ; make a coffee paste first than add to cooled custard with generous Kahlua mixed well. My Fav!
1 comment:
Hello Dee,
Merci pour ton commentaire si gentil sur mon blog.....je découvre à l'instant le tien, félicitations pour ton travail, tu as beaucoup de talent, tu es très douée, et tu as l'air aussi très passionnée. Je te souhaite beaucoup de réussite dans le milieu de la pâtisserie ....sincèrement. J'adore tout ce que tu fais, ces minis éclairs sont à croquer !!!
A très bientôt, je t'embrasse
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